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15th January 2025 Speaker Ian Bateman FRPS MPAGB AV-EFIAP APAGB

Ian Bateman a long-standing member of EPG presented a fantastic first evening of 2025 back in person.

Ian started the evening with describing about the Taking of Pictures and the method and equipment we have used through the ages. From the first image taken in 1838, to present day, where a trillion of images are taken every year.

We then went on to see a variety of Avs from Ian, starting with, The Beach, all about the history around Budleigh Salterton beach and the town. Talking about, the salt that was produced by the local monks, Sir Walter Raleigh and his paintings and the steamer paddle boats that used to take passengers along the coast. So much research and local history.


The next AV we enjoyed was called the valiant soldier. The pub that time never called. Now turned into a museum in Buckfastleigh Devon. An insight to time standing still in a time warp.

City of Darkness was our next delight, created from a visit to Hong Kong, the walled city. Ian explained all about the planning of images and sourcing his music to each AV.

Then on to London for the AV about the Longplayer’s permanent home is in Trinity Buoy Wharf. Ian included special effects in this production.

Next, we had an AV from Elaine called Illusianaries a light exhibition in Canary Warf beautifully produced.

Then we viewed 2.1 ratio of a variety Cathedrals from around the country. The we went to a very different AV called Holloway, created from a visit to Dorset and a hollowed-out pathway, called Hell Lane.

To finish of the evening we went to Cyprus on the school trip on the SS Uganda ship. Ian created another fascinating, historical and brilliant produced with effects and again great music.

A very big thank you to Ian for a very enjoyable evening. Greatly appreciated by all our members.

For more information visit Ian’s website

Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary

8th January 2025 Speaker Les Forrester BA Hons ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3

Our first zoom of 2025 sharing with Sidmouth Camera Club

Les Forrester started the evening by sharing what he called bite sized information. Les gave detailed information of how he achieved his beautiful, delicate, pastel images. Les researched each area that he photographed for possible buildings for his architectural images, using google maps and weather apps.

Les talked about his underground projects which he processed either high key with a slight hint of colour or low key, both with stunning results. Les demonstrated the before and after of a lot of the images presented, which was very useful and inspiring.

Les Foresrter Architecture.jpg

We visited many buildings abroad, library’s, parliament buildings, hospitals, churches and more. Les talked about the choices of what to include or leave out of your images. After leaving Venice with the fascinating fishing boat area, Les gave us some beautiful images from his home area of Yorkshire.

He presented beautiful, trees in snow, piers and lighthouses, using long exposure to great effect. 

Everyone had a wonderful evening of beautiful images and lots of great advice.

For more of Les work, check out his website 

Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme secretary

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