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Inter Club and External Competitions and General Information

We have a number of inter-club competitions and, prior to each event, a selection committee chooses the photos to be used. These will largely be from past monthly club competitions but could be supplemented by other work if required. Please do your best to let the selectors borrow any of your work that they ask for. Don’t be too disappointed if your work isn’t chosen. This does not mean it’s not good enough but simply that there may be other factors in determining what images are best to use in particular circumstances. (For instance, we might be lucky enough to know who the judge will be, and what his or her preferences have been in the past!)

Jurassic Coast International Audio Visual Competition (Individual Entry)
This is run of Exmouth Photo Group yearly and more information can be obtained here

International Digital Exchange​ (Individual Entry)

It’s not quite as grand as it sounds! Currently it is an exchange of work between Edinburgh, Johannesburg, Waikato (New Zealand), Gibraltar and our own club, and all members are encouraged to send images to the organiser for consideration. 

Mix & Match (Club Entry)

This is a light-hearted competition we have with the Exeter Camera Club. It is digitally projected and the idea is for one club to project an image and the other club to “match” it with one of its images. We take turns at going first. The judge determines how good the match is and awards points accordingly. It’s a bit of frantic fun and usually throws up some interesting and entertaining images. Put the date in your diary - this is usually one not to be missed! ​

South Devon League (Club Entry)

This is a group of photographic clubs that compete annually in two “battles”, currently one for prints and one for digitally projected images. The main object of this isn’t to see which club comes top (honest) but to enable members from clubs to see the work of, and meet, photographers from the other clubs. However, we do enjoy winning it if we can! Each year clubs meet on either a home or away basis, and judges are selected from one of the other clubs to ensure a degree of neutrality.

The scoring format may change but at the time of writing, images are scored out of 20, with the top three marks (20, 19, 18) being reserved for the top three images. The judge may choose to heighten the tension by awarding these images 17 points and announcing at the end which receive the extra 1, 2, and 3 points. 

Devon Clubs Battle (Club Entry)

Once a year we enter this panel competition for Devon clubs. It follows a similar format to our own club panel competition except that it’s an inter-club and it must be five images on a theme either colour or mono. Throughout the indoor season members are asked to come up with suggestions for a suitable panel and if members wish to get together and produce one it will certainly be considered. No more than two images can be produced by one member. There is also a section for digitally projected images which will also have to be a panel on a theme. (This Battle is not running at present)

WCPF Competitions, Events and Speakers. All members are very welcome to attend these events. Please visit the WCPF site for more information on the following. .
WCPF Kingswood Salver (Individual Entry)

WCPF Knightshayes Trophy (Individual Entry)
WCPF Audio Visual Competition ()Individual Entry) 

WCPF Digital Battle ​(Club Entry - This competition attracts entries from a large number of clubs, with 25 images from each, and the standard of work is very high. Again, we ask members to contribute and have their images considered. 

AGM and Council Meetings plus a speaker

Projects (Individual Members)

Each Full, Junior or Honorary Member is encouraged to present a project to a members’ meeting from time to time as deemed practicable.

Joint projects are acceptable, provided each member produces a significant part of the project.

A project may consist of a presentation of images produced by the member either as prints or projected images, including audio visual work.  Alternatively an illustrated presentation or demonstration of a particular aspect of photography is acceptable as a project.

The Image Selection Process and Selectors 

The main principle used for selection evenings is to choose the images which, in the opinion of the selectors, are likely to produce the best overall score for the club in the competition concerned, given the many and varied rules and constraints for competition entries. This usually means that over 100 images are checked and rechecked for this purpose. Whilst we always attempt to include as many of our members as we can, it is the photograph that has to be of paramount importance, not the photographer. We generally enter images from about 15 different members during a season. Of these, about 5 regularly receive high awards in external competitions and so it should not be surprising to anyone that their images are regularly chosen to represent the club.

Images for inclusion in the selection process for external competitions are invited from all members. Digitally projected Images entered in previous internal competitions are already included in the Club Image Bank. However any member may augment their content by e-mailing their submissions to Peter Hyett or Tony Howell our Competition Secretaries in the standard 1600x1200 jpg format at any time. Digital versions of successful prints, suitably adjusted for projection, are particularly welcome and are included in the selection process if we have them. We would suggest that you bear in mind the Devon Clubs’ Battle Print Panel where a group of members would be the ideal solution for getting together a panel.


For Exhibitions and Exchanges it is usually more appropriate for the selectors to choose work from as wide a range of members as possible.

Whilst much of the above appears to focus on the highest expertise in the club, it should not detract from the primary wish of the club to help support the enjoyment of all members, including those who wish to continue to pursue their photographic experiences without the need to take part in the competitive arena. Even for those who prefer not to enter competitions, attending these events can prove worthwhile, being both inspiring and informative.


We do have a Selection Committee currently comprising Derrick Holliday, Peter Hyett, Tony Howell. Ian Bateman, Sheila Haycox  and John Perriam.  The Selection Committee is happy for member of the club to attend a Selection Evening so that members can get an insight into how the selection process works and offer their valued opinion. This has been the way we have done selections in the past but if you feel able to offer your services in this regard then please let one of the above members know rather than wait for an invitation.


When prints are required for an external entry it is always advisable for the selection committee to have prints rather than digital images in which case if you think you have something suitable for a competition that is coming up please inform the Selectors that you have something that you would like to be considered. (Prints are required for SDL Prints, and Kingswood Salver, WCPF Print Championship and occassionally for FIAP)


Members will always be informed in writing if their images have been selected for external competitions, and they have the right to refuse by informing the Competition Secretary within 3 days of receiving notification..

Webmaster Sheila Haycox ARPS, MPAGB/AV, EFIAP, AV-AFIAP

Website Launched 1999

All Images are Copyright Protected

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